Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Joel Derfner, of The Search for Love in Manhattan, had a dream about a knitted brain. Suddenly he wants to knit a brain.

So he goes to the Museum of Scientifically Accurate Fabric Brain Art and asks Karen Norberg about her knitted brain. Karen tells him that he's the second person this week to ask for a pattern. She didn't make one.

Karen, if you ever stumble upon this, send everyone to me. My one and only completed knit item, a pink scarf, has been stretched to shreds. It's doing that brain wobbly-edge thing. I think we can cut up my scarf and turn it into a knitted brain.

(The Museum accepts further brain art: If you have some fabric brain art that you would like to see posted please send a jpg and a brief artist's statement to the Curator.)